School-Based Services
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Serving San Diego, California
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Serving San Diego, California
San Diego School-Based Services from Functional Integrated Therapeutic Services
Children’s Occupational Therapy and Functional Integrated Therapeutic Services are currently providing Occupational Therapy Services to 21 Charter and non-public schools in San Diego and Riverside counties. Schools are located all across San Diego, including Chula Vista in the south, Moreno Valley in the north, Borrego in the east and Encinitas in the west. We will travel to schools all throughout San Diego, or even to the residence of children who are homeschooled.
The knowledgeable and motivated staff of Children’s Occupational Therapy and Functional Integrated Therapeutic Services provides evidenced-based Occupational Therapy to children with Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, genetic and physical difficulties as well as behavioral and emotional dysfunction.
School Based Services for Improved Function in the Classroom and Home
The therapists work on skills that allow for improved function in the classroom and at home. The therapist’s work on upper extremity and core strengthening, coordinated movement patterns, and timing. A strong core, body awareness, and the ability to move one’s body efficiently helps set the foundation for self-esteem and awareness.
We teach proper handwriting, keyboarding, and technology skills to maximize educational written expression. We do this so children can concentrate on their ability to communicate effectively and not be frustrated with learning due to hand fatigue and/or the inability to control a pencil.
We strengthen visual perceptual and visual motor weaknesses. Through exercises and worksheets, children learn to perceive proper letter formation, size, spacing and letter on the line orientation for written work.
We teach functional strategies to improve wellness and reduce stress, maintain calm, and improve organizational skills. We help to provide strategies to overcome environmental barriers to education for the individual.
FITS Occupational Therapists Work Closely With Teachers and Staff
Occupational therapists work closely with teachers, aides, counselors, speech and language specialist, adaptive physical education specialists and physical therapists as part of the child’s team to provide support to those children who require more assistance to allow for their academic success.
The goal of Children’s Occupational Therapy and Functional Integrated Therapeutic Services is to provide the best school-based occupational therapy services available to the children of San Diego and Riverside County Charter and Home school programs. Working as part of an educational team provides children with special needs the support required so they can have a successful educational experience.
Schools We Work Within San Diego and Riverside
We also proudly serve 24 charter schools throughout San Diego and Riverside Counties.